Thank you for participating in your regional bowl! We hope you had a great time and would love to learn more about your experience and perspectives. The NOSB national office asks that you complete a post-regional competition survey as soon as possible after your competition. The survey, created by the national office staff, is used to gain feedback immediately upon completion of the regional competitions to gather data on the competition experience and program impact.

Your input will provide us with valuable information that can help improve the quality of the program and provide our funders with important metrics.

Please answer each of the questions as accurately as possible. All responses, as well as our data collection, are confidential and anonymous. The survey is voluntary and there is no penalty for not participating.

There is a survey for each type of participant: students, coaches, and volunteers. Please take click the correct link below to be taken to a Google Form survey. The survey should take no more than 10-20 minutes to complete. Please help share with your fellow participants so we can learn from as many people as possible!