Finals Competition

The National Ocean Sciences Bowl is a timed competition for teams of high school students involving critical thought questions and “rapid memory recall” responses via a “lock-out” responder system. Question topics cover the biology, physics, geology, and chemistry of the oceans,as well as related geography, technology, history, policy, and current events. These rules apply to the Regional and national Finals competitions.

The National Finals Competition, the annual culmination of the NOSB program, is a three-day event in which the top team from each of our 25 regional bowls competes for nation-wide recognition. Finals changes location each year to expose students to different universities and institutions, regional science and environmental issues, and local culture. In addition to competing, students also take part in a career mentoring event, environmental field trips, presentations by ocean science experts, a mock Congressional briefing, the Science Expert Briefing, and hands-on activities.  

All teams receive recognition for their hard work and achievement at Finals. The top eight teams receive a variety of prizes ranging from textbooks and gift certificates, with the first and second place teams also receiving experiential summer award trips that provides these teams with unique hands-on field and laboratory experience in the marine sciences. Past NOSB champions have had the opportunity to visit various marine research locations around the U.S. and the world including Hawaii, California, Florida, Costa Rica, Panama, and Monaco.

NOSB Finals Competition Locations

The annual Finals competition changes location each year to expose students to different universities and institutions, regionally important science and environmental issues, and local culture. The exposure to regional environments and issues helps to nurture interest and stewardship for the ocean in the participating students. Students are also immersed in activities that highlight the variety of research and learning facilities in the host area and provided hands-on exposure to current scientific research being conducted.

Past Finals Competitions

2021 NOSB Finals Competition Program

2021 Theme: Plunging into Our Polar Seas

2021 Career Event Program

1st Place – Dougherty Valley High School (San Ramon, CA)

2nd Place – Lexington High School (Lexington, MA)

3rd Place – Canyon Crest Academy (San Diego, CA)

SEB: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (Alexandria, VA)

Winner: Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, MD
Host: University of Colorado – Boulder (Trout Bowl)
Theme: Our Ocean Shaping Weather

View/Download the Competition Program(.pdf)
2018 Finals Award Ceremony Slideshow
2018 NOSB Finals – Opening Ceremony Slideshow(.pdf)

Winner: Santa Monica High School, Santa Monica, California
Host: Oregon State University (Salmon Bowl)
Theme: Blue Energy – Powering the Planet with our Ocean

View/Download the Competition Program(.pdf)
2017 Finals Award Ceremony Slideshow
2017 NOSB Finals – Opening Ceremony Slideshow(.pdf)

Winner: Albany High School, Albany, California
Host: University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences (Blue Heron Bowl)
Theme: Our Changing Ocean: Science for Strong Coastal Communities

View/Download the Competition Program(.pdf)
2016 Finals Award Ceremony Slideshow
2016 NOSB Finals – Opening Ceremony Slideshow(.pdf)

Winner: Boise High School, Boise, Idaho
Host: Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Marine Education Center (Hurricane Bowl)
Theme: The Science of Oil in the Ocean

View/Download the Competition Program (.pdf)

Winner: Boise High School, Boise, Idaho
Host: Washington Sea Grant and University of Washington (Orca Bowl)
Theme: Ocean Acidification

View/Download the Competition Program (.pdf)
2014 Finals Award Ceremony Slideshow
2014 NOSB Finals – Opening Ceremony Slideshow (.pdf)

Winner: Arcadia High School, Arcadia, California
Host: UWM-School of Continuing Education (Lake Sturgeon Bowl)
Theme: The Great Lakes : A Window into Freshwater Science

View/Download the Competition Program (.pdf)
2013 Finals Award Ceremony Slideshow
2013 NOSB Finals – Opening Ceremony Slideshow (.pdf)

Winner: Marshfield High School, Marshfield, WI
Host: Texas A&M University Galveston (Dolphin Challenge & Loggerhead Challenge)
Theme: Human Responses to Ocean Events
View/Download the Competition Program
2011 Finals Award Ceremony Slideshow
2011 NOSB Finals – Opening Ceremony Slideshow (.ppt)
2011 Press Releases:
Marshfield High School Wins 2011 National Ocean Sciences Competition
2011 NOSB Regional Winners

Winner: Marshfield High School, Marshfield, WI
Host: Ocean Leadership (Chesapeake Bay Bowl)
Theme: Biodiversity
View/Download the Competition Program
2009 NOSB Finals – Opening Ceremony Slideshow (.ppt)
2009 Press Releases:
Wisconsin Team Wins NOSB Finals
2009 NOSB Regional Winners

Winner: Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School, Sudbury, MA
Host: University of Alaska Fairbanks (Tsunami Bowl)
Theme: International Polar Year
2008 Press Releases:
2008 NOSB Finals Competition Results
2008 NOSB Regional Winners

Winner: Contoocook Valley Regional High School, Peterborough, NH
Host: SUNY Stony Brook (Bay Scallop Bowl)

Winner: Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School, Sudbury, MA
Host: MATE Center (Otter Bowl)

Winner: Cranston High School West, Cranston, RI
Host: University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (Hurricane Bowl)

Winner: Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, CA
Host: University of South Carolina (SC/GA Bowl)

Winner: Cranston High School West, Cranston, RI
Host: University of California San Diego, Scripps (La Jolla Surf Bowl)

Winner: Lexington High School, Lexington, MA
Host: University of Rhode Island (Quahog Bowl)

Winner: Lexington High School, Lexington, MA
Host: University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (Manatee Bowl)

Winner: Lexington High School, Lexington, MA
Host: Ocean Leadership/CORE (Chesapeake Bay Bowl)

Winner: Lexington High School, Lexington, MA
Host: Ocean Leadership/CORE (Chesapeake Bay Bowl)

Winner: Lexington High School, Lexington, MA
Host: Ocean Leadership/CORE (Chesapeake Bay Bowl)