Oceans Shaping Weather

Oceans Shaping Weather and Climate
It’s clear to those in a hurricane’s path that they are seeing the effect of the ocean on their weather. It’s less clear–but equally true–that those in non-coastal areas also witness the effect our ocean has on their weather.
How? The ocean absorbs half of the sun’s heat that reaches the Earth, therefore influencing weather on a global scale as currents move water and heat around the planet and as the evaporation of ocean water leads to precipitation. One small change in ocean conditions can produce variations in weather patterns (in the short-term) and climate (in the long-term) over large portions of our planet. The consequences of these changes can have direct impacts (e.g., floods, storms, droughts) as well as indirect impacts (food insecurity, human health issues, etc.) far inland as well as in coastal areas. For example, during an El Niño, warm sea surface temperatures along the equator in the Pacific cause warmer-than-average temperatures in the western and northern United States, wetter-than-average conditions on the Gulf Coast, and drier-than-average conditions in the Ohio Valley and the Pacific Northwest. Its impacts are felt throughout nearly our entire country (and beyond). While scientists understand relationships between the ocean and the atmosphere, such as El Niño events, there is still much to learn about air-sea interactions. Meteorologists and climatologists are building our understanding of processes in the coupled ocean and atmosphere system and how these linkages affect weather and climate variability. Advances in global models of ocean currents bring us one step closer to comprehending ocean-atmosphere connections and providing improved local and regional forecasts and predictions.
Topics To Explore
Webinar Series
View the NOSB’s ocean’s impact on weather-related Professional Development Webinar Series recordings to learn how the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation transports heat, freshwater, and carbon, influencing global climate and how aerosols impact Earth’s energy budget, clouds, and precipitation.
2018 Professional Development Webinars: Dr. Jessie Creamean
The 2019-2020 Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition was a year-long drift experiment in the central Arctic with the goal of better understanding how the Arctic system works: how its ocean, sea ice, atmosphere and ecosystem interact with one another throughout an entire year. Sea ice geophysicist Melinda Webster was deployed to the field campaign during one of the most transformative times of the year, from spring to autumn. This period was rich with opportunities to study the seasonal evolution of the sea ice cover as it transitioned from a cold, snow-covered icescape to a fragmented ice pack riddled with melt ponds and drifting rapidly away from the North Pole. This presentation will explain the seasonal evolution of Arctic sea ice processes and properties, how they connect to the big picture of the Arctic system and climate change, and why the combination of field data, satellite measurements, and climate model experiments is one of the most powerful tools in science.
2018 Professional Development Webinars: Dr. Elizabeth Maroon
The 2019-2020 Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition was a year-long drift experiment in the central Arctic with the goal of better understanding how the Arctic system works: how its ocean, sea ice, atmosphere and ecosystem interact with one another throughout an entire year. Sea ice geophysicist Melinda Webster was deployed to the field campaign during one of the most transformative times of the year, from spring to autumn. This period was rich with opportunities to study the seasonal evolution of the sea ice cover as it transitioned from a cold, snow-covered icescape to a fragmented ice pack riddled with melt ponds and drifting rapidly away from the North Pole. This presentation will explain the seasonal evolution of Arctic sea ice processes and properties, how they connect to the big picture of the Arctic system and climate change, and why the combination of field data, satellite measurements, and climate model experiments is one of the most powerful tools in science.
More Places To Learn
The Ocean: Driving Force for Weather and Climate (NASA)
Ocean Currents and Climate (National Geographic)
How Ocean Currents and Temperature affect climate and weather (The Weather Network)
How does the ocean affect climate? (CSIRO Australia)
IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (2019)
NOAA Special Report: 2016 Extreme Weather Events and Ties to Climate Change (2016)
Impacts of El Niño and La Niña on the U.S. Climate during Northern Summer (2005)
Ocean Dynamics and the Nature of Air-Sea Interactions (2005)
American Meteorological Society
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Marine Activities, Resources, & Education
National Center for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory