NOSB’s Impact
A national program with approximately 2,000 students participating each year, the NOSB encourages stewardship of the ocean by participating students, their teachers and families. Each year, on average, students from 34 states plus the District of Columbia take part in 25 regional bowls.

[The NOSB] provides high school students with a motivation to study the oceans. Like me, countless others have discovered simply amazing things about the ocean that otherwise we would have never found.
This event opens doors to village students to be exposed to the vast fields of the ocean sciences and to the scholarship/career opportunities that come along with it. Students and the community are now paying attention to their connection to the oceans.
[The NOSB] is such an amazing event that helps high school students such as myself to learn about the ocean. I look forward to this event every year and it has helped shape my career plan!